While we as pilots want to fly with the latest and greatest technology, there is often something stopping us, MONEY. Many pilots are VALUE oriented and willing to utilize existing safe technology in their aircraft. As flat panel multi function display become more pervasive, they are not always the right decision given the age of the aircraft and time left on the airframe. With purchasing used avionics, you can replace or upgrade your current panel array and not incur the depreciation and avoid high retail costs.
Used avionics may not be for everyone, but they certainly should be considered.
When considering an avionic purchase, determine how much you want to invest, how the new install will complement your current panel, augment capability, and improve your airmanship performance.
Things to look for in purchasing used avionics are:
- Are the products tested and in working order, and are they yellow tagged?
- Do you need a connector tray to facilitate installation?
- What is the reputation of the company you are dealing with? Ask around for referrals.
- What is the warranty on the product you are purchasing?
Our used avionics cost less than purchasing new.
You can upgrade and still save money, while being able to maintain your budget.
The newer the avionic radio or instrument, the less of a discount off of new. The older the product, the more value you will realize. These avionics are in working order as removed or yellow tagged as meeting original specifications and are ready to use. These used avionics can not only save you money, but they can offer a fast, affordable upgrade to your current array and offer compatibility to existing system capabilities.
With used avionics, you have flexibility. We want to keep you flying!
If you are looking for a used model of a radio or instrument, keep in mind that the particular model will need to have been out in the market for several years and likely have several upgrade levels before the model you are looking for may be available for resale. People use these avionics and then upgrade. These products will have some wear on them, but they will function. Make sure you look at pictures of the avionic before you purchase it so you know what you are getting. We are trying to meet your expectations here.
There will be degrees of wear on a used product. If you want new, be prepared to pay for it.
We don’t like surprises, and neither do you!